About the Author


    My name is James Rae and I am the creator of the web "A Teachers Guide to Badminton".  I'm 24 years old and I graduated from the University of Alberta with 5 year combined BPE/BEd degrees.  I have been playing badminton since I was in grade 7 and have been enjoying the sport ever since.  I have my level 1 and 2 badminton coaching certificate.  I won doubles Edmonton badminton city championships, at the high school level, in 1994, 1995, and 1996.  I also won zone championships in 1996.  Last year I  coached the senior badminton team at Bev Facey high school, in Sherwood Park.  We finished the regular season in first place and ended up losing the city championships in the finals to get second place.    

Click on the pictures to enlarge.

   wpe87.jpg (20255 bytes)   Overhand Backhand Clear/Drop      wpe8B.jpg (20166 bytes)            Drive    

  wpeFC.jpg (18122 bytes) Overhand Forehand Clear/Drop       wpeA3.jpg (19566 bytes)             Smash (preparation)         

   wpeB1.jpg (20677 bytes)   Serve (backhand)                      wpe9E.jpg (20548 bytes)  Net Shot (backhand)     

   wpeAF.jpg (18898 bytes)   Serve (forehand)                       wpe9C.jpg (19722 bytes)  Net Shot (forehand)         Top     




James Rae
E-mail me at:
Last updated on September 1, 2002