
Home Rules Strategies Shot Selection Unit Plan - Grade 10 Badminton Books Copyright



Drive Website    

    The drive is a stroke that is very fast and travels low to the net.  It is rarely used in singles but it is used a lot in doubles and mixed doubles.  

#1.    #2.     #3.   


Body should be facing the net
  - body can be turned so that the left shoulder is slightly pointing at the net, for a forehand (right-handed) drive (image #1) 
  - body can be turned so that the right shoulder is slightly pointing at the net, for a backhand (right-handed) drive
Hit the shuttle in front of you (image #2)
Keep your racquet up
Contact shuttle with a flat racquet face
On contact, straighten your arm (like you pushing through the shuttle)
Swing on a flat plane, no upward motion
Use wrist snap when contacting the shuttle (image #3)
Transfer your weight (from back foot to front foot) to drive the shuttle
Bend your knees to get a better angle on the shuttle
Follow through in the same line as the flight of the shuttle

This website will be useful in looking at the drive shot in badminton.

How to hit a Drive Shot in Badminton




James Rae
E-mail me at:
Last updated on September 1, 2002