| Body should be facing the net
- body can be turned so that the left shoulder is slightly pointing
at the net, for a forehand (right-handed) drive
(image #1)
- body can be turned so that the right shoulder is slightly pointing
at the net, for a backhand (right-handed) drive |
 | Hit the shuttle in front of you (image #2) |
 | Keep your racquet up |
 | Contact shuttle with a flat racquet face |
 | On contact, straighten your arm (like you pushing through the shuttle) |
 | Swing on a flat plane, no upward motion |
 | Use wrist snap when contacting the shuttle (image #3) |
 | Transfer your weight (from back foot to front foot) to drive the shuttle |
 | Bend your knees to get a better angle on the shuttle |
 | Follow through in the same line as the flight of the shuttle |