Unit Plan: Badminton Specific Outcomes This would be a sample badminton unit plan for an inexperienced group of grade 10 boys. In making this unit plan, I have considered Alberta Learning's specific outcomes for grade 10 students. Alberta Learning discusses four keys ways (ABCD) to guide teachers in implementing their physical education unit plans to their students. Outcome A - Basic Skills The specific outcomes for grade ten students should be completed over the duration of the physical education course. I have included some of the outcomes in my seven day badminton unit. Grade: 10 boys Class Time: 83 minutes Number of Classes: 7 Main Focus of Class 1: Rules, Grip, Basic Footwork, and Overhand Clear Shot Main Focus of Class 2: High Serve and Low Serve Main Focus of Class 3: Overhand Drop Shot Main Focus of Class 4: Net Shots and Smash Main Focus of Class 5: Drives and Doubles Strategy Main Focus of Class 6: Tournament Play Main Focus of Class 7: Tournament Play
Activity A10-1
Benefits Cooperation C10-1
Do it Daily…for Life! D10-3
James Rae |