Lesson 3

Home Rules Strategies Shot Selection Unit Plan - Grade 10 Badminton Books Copyright



Specific Outcomes  Activity #1 Review of the Clear   Activity #2 Overhand Drop Shot 
Activity #3 Half Court Singles Games  Activity #4 Doubles 

Lesson: 3/7

Grade: 10 Boys

Class Size: 24 Students

Main Focus: Overhand Drop Shot

Specific Outcomes:                                                                               Top


Apply and refine locomotor skills and concepts - effort, space and relationships - to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance


Apply and refine manipulative skills and concepts - effort, space and relationships - to perform and create a variety of activities to improve personal performance


Adapt and improve activity-specific skills in a variety of games



Do it Daily…for Life!

Select and apply rules, routines and procedures of safety in a variety of activities


Analyze, design warm-up and cool-down activities

Equipment Needed:        

2 badminton nets (for 6 courts)
8 poles ( to hold nets)
30 rackets
54 shuttles


2 minutes


begin with a light jog forward 
jog backwards
zigzag backwards
light jog forward
shuffle step facing the court
shuffle step facing the wall 
light jog forward
reach for the ground 
- when the teacher says "right" the students touch the ground with their right hand
- when the teacher says "left" the students touch the ground with their left hand
whistle blow means "jump"
light jog forward
5 minutes


3 minutes

Activity #1                                                                                             Top
Review of the Clear

before talking about the clear, go over the proper grip
body rotation
contact the shuttle at the peak of your swing
first demonstrate then tell the students to practice in partners
10 minutes

Activity #2                                                                                            Top
Overhand Drop Shot

the aim of the overhand drop shot is to draw your opponent as far forward in court towards he net as possible to create possible opening behind him/her, or to attack him/her as he/she hurriedly retreats, off balance
the nearer the shuttle can be and the further your opponent has to advance and retreat
play it therefore exactly as you do a clear and so take your opponent by surprise
the only differences are that your point of impact is now just in front of your head
gradually, learn to drop it short … and shorter
it must be safeguarded by deception
you must therefore make a full back swing and a forceful shot to within 0.5 of impact
now practice the drop shot with a partner
have one person serve it straight across to the other person while the other person drops it
switch after every 5 drops
15 minutes

Activity #3                                                                                            Top
Half Court Singles Games

during the half court singles games, focus on the serve, the clear, and the drop shot
switch after every five minutes
winners move up, losers move down
20 minutes

Activity #4                                                                                            Top

get the students to play full court doubles games
switch after every five minutes (blow the whistle)
champs move up a court, losers move down
20 minutes

Teacher/Student Reflections

Teacher Reflection:

Did everyone get a chance to participate in the lesson today?
Were they active for the majority of the class?
Were the directions adequate for the activities in class?
Were the students confused?
Were the badminton activities geared toward their ability level?

Student Reflection:

Did I meet some or all of my specific outcomes that I had listed at the beginning of the lesson plan?
What were the positive and negative outcomes that came from this lesson?
Did the students enjoy the lesson? (Answer this question by getting feedback from the students themselves)

 Lesson 4                                                                                                                   Top



James Rae
E-mail me at:
Last updated on September 1, 2002