Overhand Drop

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Forehand Overhand Drop   Backhand Overhand Drop
Overhand Drop Website

    Although the overhand drop shot is used in doubles and mixed doubles, it is main used in singles.  In singles, it can be used if the opposing player is cheating closer to the back of the court or if he/she is just out of position.  The two types of overhand drops are the forehand and the backhand. 

Forehand Overhand Drop                                                                                        Top


Turn to side of net with non-racquet foot facing the net
Begin with your weight on your back foot and shift weight to forward foot on contact with the shuttle
Extend the racquet overhead and contact the shuttle slightly ahead of your body
Keep racquet face flat at contact
Deception - make it look as if you were going to hit an overhand Smash or Clear
Use slices - the drop can be wonderfully used in combination with slices


Backhand Overhand Drop                                                                                       Top 


Step across body with racquet foot keeping your weight on your opposite foot
Your back should be facing the net with your toes pointing toward the back line
Flex wrist and keep your racquet elbow pointing up at the shuttle
Use the backhand grip - place your thumb on the wider part of your rackets' grasp
Supinate and extend racquet upward to contact shuttle in front of body
Shift weight to racquet foot at contact
Contact the shuttle slightly after the peak of your swing
keep the racquet face vertical at contact
Deception - make it look like a backhand overhand clear
No follow-through

This website will be useful in looking at the forehand overhead drop shot.

How to hit an overhead forehand drop shot in badminton




James Rae
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Last updated on September 1, 2002