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Smash Website

    The forearm smash is probably the most offensive shot in the game of badminton.  It is used when your opponent hits the shuttle high enough that you have time to get under it and smash it.  The smash is used in singles as an offensive shot but it is primarily used in doubles and mixed doubles. 

Forehand Smash 


Turn to side of net with non-racquet foot facing the net
Begin with your weight on your back foot and shift weight to forward foot on contact with the shuttle
Extend the racquet overhead and contact the shuttle slightly after the peak of your swing
Cock your wrist and quickly snap it on contact with the shuttle
Note that the racket head is pointing slightly downwards - thus hitting the shuttle steeply downwards
Use your full body to gain max. power - combine your shot with a strong turn of your hip
Hit the shuttle in front of your body - otherwise, the smash wont be precipitous enough
Profit by the basic forearm turn - this will accelerate the shuttle explosively
Follow-through  down and across your body to dissipate the force

Note: the backhand smash should not be taught at the secondary level because it is an extremely difficult shot that is rarely used (even by elite badminton players)

This website will be useful in looking at the forearm smash.





James Rae
E-mail me at:
Last updated on September 1, 2002